Institutes :Fudan University
Institutes :Fudan University
This course provides an introduction to critical issues related to public safety administration and an understanding of the laws, programs, agencies, and institutions involved in the provision of public safety. Managers in public safety agencies and institutions deal with several challenges arising from environmental and natural disasters to the nature and operation of correctional institutions.Responsibilities of managers in these institutions include the development and administration of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery programs to address these challenges. In addition,issues related to community resilience, social, economic and political vulnerabilities, and ethical responses to risk management need to be considered and understood by public managers engaged in the
provision of safety to communities. The course addresses these and other issues within the context of disaster management, homeland security, criminal justice administration, and fire/emergency management.
In this core course in financial management, students will learn the fundamentals of budgeting and accounting for public, health, and not-for-profit organizations. Through readings, lectures, real-world case studies, and assignments, students will gain an understanding of how to use financial information in organizational planning, implementation, control, reporting, and analysis. In addition, students will have the chance to develop their spreadsheet skills by using Excel to perform financial calculations and create financial documents.
The course of Labor Law and Social Security Law is a law course that is more practical, which studies comprehensively legal adjustment of labor relations, basic theory and main legal protection of social security in socialist market economy. The course mainly includes: (1) the basic theory of labor law, including adjustment object, historical evolution, basic principle, legal status and system of labor law, and labor law relations, etc.; (2) main content of labor law, including employment, labor contract, collective contract, labor wages, working hours and day off, occupational safety and health, rewards and punishment of worker and trade union, etc.; (3) labor dispute resolution legal mechanism; (4) supervision and inspection of labor law; (5) basic theory of social security law, the institution of social insurance of endowment, unemployment, work injury, medical and maternity insurance, and social aid institution, social welfare institution and social special care institution.
Administrative leadership is one main elementary course of public administration discipline. As the interdisciplinary field of public administration and leadership science, it focuses on the characteristics and rules of leaders’ activities in government departments and non-governmental public sectors. Its research objects include the subjects and objects of leadership in public sectors and non-governmental public organizations. Its research objects also include the process, environment and performance of the leadership activities. The purpose is to improve the validity of leaders’ activities and to provide theoretical support to developing leaders’ capability.
The course "Administrative Law and Administrative Litigation Law” is one of the 14 key courses for college and university students majored in law. The course will completely, systematically and thoroughly expound and explain the basic theories and knowledge of administrative law and litigation law, including: (I) the general theories and basic principles of administrative law; (II) the general theories of administrative law subject, the duties, authorities and measures of administrative subject and the rights and obligations of private party; (III) the general theories and the natures, characteristics, constitutive elements and legal requirements of administrative action, and the particular procedures of several main administrative actions; (IV) the general theories of administrative remedies, the natures, functions, scopes, jurisdictions, procedures and judgment criteria of administrative review and administrative litigation; (V) the general theories and the constitutive elements, imputation principles, scopes, methods, standards and procedures of administrative compensation. The course also will comment on the practices and doctrines of China’s administrative law; at the meanwhile, The course also will comment on achievements and shortcomings of foreign administrative law. Inheriting, criticizing and sublating various doctrines of foreign administrative jurisprudence, such as power-control theory, regulatory theory, power standard theory and right standard theory, etc, the course will preliminary formulated a theoretical framework of administrative law with Chinese characteristics.
Assist students in understanding the larger significance of the practice of public management.Encourage participants to improve their abilities to analyze, and operate within,the institutional matrix of modern public management with respect for and sensitivity to democratic principles.
Public Policy is an introductory course that explores policy-making as both a problem-solving process and a political process. This course aims to educate a new generation of public policy-makers and policy analysts, familiarising them with the necessary concepts, theories, methods and principles involved in the formulation and analysis of public policy. The course provides an accessible assessment of a wide range of theories and models from policy cycles, policy transfer, rational choice and socio-economic explanations to multi-level governance, advocacy coalitions and punctuated equilibrium and of their value to policy analysis. The programme draws on the disciplines of political science, economics, law, public management. Students develop a working knowledge of particular aspects of political science theory relevant to understanding how public policies are formulated. They gain a basic understanding of economic approaches to public policy analysis and of the concepts of economic efficiency and equity as societal objectives.
This course mainly introduce the development of social security in foreign and Chinese context. It will introduce students the foundamental theories and characteristics of social security instittuions in different societies.
It introduces the basic theory and knowledge of risk, risk management and insurance. The course covers the subjects of risk and risk management, insurance institution, insurance contract, insurance market, life insurance, property insurance, operation and management of insurance companies, social insurance, etc. The purpose of the course is to lead students to grasp the basic principles of insurance products, understand the basic mechanism of insurance market and the basic operation of insurance companies, and develop the ability to observe and analyze various insurance phenomenons.
This course is structured into three sections. Section One explores market failures and explains why public sector has reasons to exist. Section Two clarifies the main economic goals of public sector from the perspectives of efficiency, equity and liberty. Section Three tries to explain the characteristics and dilemmas of various public decision rules and then analyzes the desirability of public sector’s operation both from the demand sides and the supply sides. Finaly, government failures issue will be raised, corresponding with the market failures discussed at the beginning of the course, to clarify the appropriate principles or concept to comprehend the border of market and government.