中国国际贸易学会常务理事 全国高校商业经济教学研究会副会长 中国商业经济学会理事、特约研究员及学术委员、国务院发展研究中心特约研究员。
Institutes :Fudan University
Institutes :University of International Business and Economics
Institutes :Central University of Finance and Economics
"The main contents of this course include the basic theory and practical work flow of international freight forwarders.
Lots of business knowledge, which is essential for international freight forwarding agents' required work, is taght in this course."
International tax studies the solutions to inter-governmental financial conflicts in countries where income tax and property tax are levied. This is an interdisplinary field where both economics and law come into play, and covers topics including tax jurisdiction, international double taxation and its relief, (anti) international tax avoidance, international tax treaties.
This course also aims to provide you with a comprehensive training in international trade rules and negotiations. The lectures cover a wide range of topics such as Trade Terms, Delivery and Payment of Goods, Disputes Settlements, etc. We will use plenty of cases to analyse the important topics. In completing this course, you are expected to attend the discussions and group presentation, which will enhance your ability to learn and cooperate. In addition, from this course, you are expected to have a good sense of trade environment and trade negotiations, which will be helpful to your practice.
Financial Markets mainly introduces the basic theory of financial system and institutions, including financial markets, financial instruments and financial institutions.
"This lesson includes the contents as below:
1/Exchange rates,Foreign Exchange Markets
2/Balance of Payments
3/The theory of Exchange rates
4/Open-econmy Macroeconomics"
This is a course in international trade theory and policy with an emphasis on real world applications. We will introduce the thoughts and models of remarkable theories such as comparative advantage, factor proportion, and scale economy. We will use partial and general equilibrium analysis to cover a wide range of topics in policies such as tariffs, quotas, VERs, subsidies, anti-dumping, integration, WTO, etc.
This course outlines today's major challenges facing the management profession. The course uses interactive exercises, simulations and problems to develop critical skills in negotiations, teamwork and leadership. Students will be introduced to concepts and tools to analyze work and leadership experiences in optional undergraduate fieldwork projects.
This lesson includes the contents as below:the introduction of Financial markets, interest rates, principle of Bank, Model of money supply, financial innovation, monetary policy and so on
This course teaches macroeconomics at the intermediate level. It elaborates on the main macro economics topics including national income, money and inflation, unemployment, business cycles and economics growth. The basic analytical framework such as the IS-LM model is taught through which the key macro economic variables and their interactions can be studied. The course also discusses government economic policies and their implications. As time permits, a brief introductory to modern macroeconomics theories will be given.
This course will discuss the basic principles of microeconomics, but in a more formal and structured way than the introductory economics does. The topics will include the classical price theory (consumer choice, producer theory and market equilibrium analysis), market failure (externality and public goods), as well as some recent exciting developments in game theory and information economics. While we try as much as possible to demonstrate the beauty and rigor of microeconomic theories, we will apply these analytical tools to the real world and test the validity of their predictions. I will use many real world examples to show the relevance and power of economic thinking. To be sure, the principles we will cover in this course provide the foundation of almost all theories in modern economics.