
Institutes :Renmin University of China

Institutes :Capital Normal University

Institutes :Northwest University (China)

Matthew H.Sommer
Institutes :Stanford University

Jonathan D. Spence
1936年生于英国萨里郡(Surrey, England),汉学家,美国历史学会主席(2004-2005)。曾受教于温切斯特大学和剑桥大学。1965年获美国耶鲁大学博士学位,现为耶鲁大学教授、历史系和东亚研究中心主任。 史景迁以研究中国历史见长。他以独特的视角观察悠久的中国历史,并以不同一般的“讲故事”的方式向读者介绍他的观察与研究结果。 他的作品敏锐、深邃、独特而又“好看”,使他在成为蜚声国际的汉学家的同时,也成为学术畅销书的写作高手。
Institutes :Yale University
this course introduces foundamental information about the discipline, general theories and ways in researching the human history, focusing the interpretation of the concept of the world history, the macroscopic observation of the world history parcticed by western scholars, and the basic viewpoints of the textbook World Civilizations edited by scholars of Beida, a book which stresses very much the function of the cultural exchange in the development of the global community.
There are at least two reasons for studying medieval history. The first is to learn to understand medieval civilization; the second is to learn to understand our modern world more deeply by exploring its medieval origins. We would like introduce and study some important historical contents, including medieval politics, economy, society, religion and culture, etc., in order that students are able to learn and understand important medieval figures and events, institutions and cultures, etc. At the same time, we wish that students might step into the academic study through understanding medieval scholarships, translating English sources, writing academic papers, and discussing in oral expression.
The course is offered for undergraduate students of non-history department in the Peking University. This is a course in an all round way to review Chinese history from ancient times to the Qing Dynasty. The students will know the outline of ancient Chinese history and be interested in it.
"It’ll be offered after Modern History of China(1840 -), and divided into two part by the year of 1949. The first part is "The History of the Republic of China ” (1919-1949) and the second part "The History of the People’s Republic of China (1949-)”
The course will be taught in the teaching mode of "general history”, divide history into several parts and periods. It’ll focus on political history of modern China with giving some consideration to economy, military, diplomacy, society, culture and ideas."
Asia is the most dynamic area in 20th century world history. This course spans from the ancient to contemporary time. It addresses Asian history as a whole from mulit-perspectives, such as the evolution of state, marine history, environmental history and history of cultural exchange. It will stimulate students to reconstruct his own Asian history based on the deconstruction of eurocentrism in Asian history scholarship.
It mainly relates to the modern history of Europe. It involves the building of European national states in the early modern time; modern concepts of science and democracy, and their influences on the Europe; the national democracy revolutions in the states of Europe, and the industrial revolution in Europe; the nationalism and imperialism lately 19century; the world wars and there effects on Europe; the diplomacies of Europe in cold war; the changes of politics, economy, society and culture in Europe 20 century; the revolution and reforms at Russia and the eastern European states; and Europe after cold war.
The course covers the history of Americas from early 16th century to the present. It is divided into two parts. The first part discusses the history of Latin America, focusing on the evolution of Latin America’s position in the world system, the search of Latin American nations for the path to modernization, and some important thoughts and theories in this process. The second parts discusses the history of the United States from early 17th century to 1970s and explores how the US emerged from thirteen British colonies to a superpower. The special emphasis will be placed on American nation building and its democratic experience, social reforms and civil rights movement, and its contacts with outside world in the 20th century.
The course teaches modern Chinese history from the Opium War in 1840 to the May 4th movement in 1919. It focuses on analyzing some key issues of various periods.
"As a cradle of human being’s history, Africa is not only a geographical term, but also represents a civilization. Her history shows a unique process of development of human society and culture.
To study this process from the viewpoint of history, we need to know the first of all the division of historical periods, through which we can understand several important stages in the course of her history and better understand Africa today as well.
Secondly, we would like to emphasize that Africa has made its own contribution to the world history. The history of African is a part of the world history. We cannot see Africa today without historical perspective.
Thirdly, we have to pay attention on the history of Sino-African relations. For students, they can do a comparison between Africa and China history; for scholars, compared with Western scholars, Chinese scholars may have certain advantages to know the subject. Moreover,the international media coverage on China-Africa relations has been rapidly multiplied in recent years. This requires that we learn the history of China-Africa relations to make our own judgment on the status quo."
This course is designed to briefly introduce the basic ideas and principles of history, with an emphasis on the intellectual debates and different approaches in dealing with history. The major propositions of traditional, classical, modern, and postmodern historiography are included in the discussion. It also intends to lead the students to understand the ways of the producing of historical knowledge, and the basic norms and techniques of writing history.