会计学一般主要分为审计(audit)、税收(taxation)、财务会计(Financial accounting)、管理会计(managerial accounting ...
经济学博士,会计学教授,博士生导师。现任上海财经大学党委常委、副校长 ,上海市会计学会会长。兼任《中国会计与财务研究》、《管理科学学报》等期刊编委,中国会计学会理事,中国会计教育分会常务理事、秘书长,教育部会计学专业教学指导分委员会秘书长、委员,全国指导委员会副主任。
Institutes :Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Institutes :Renmin University of China
Institutes :Tsinghua University
Institutes :Capital University of Economics And Business
Ross Watts
为MIT教授,顶级期刊Journal of Accounting and Economics主编。
Institutes :Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ray Ball
是实证会计研究的开山鼻祖之一。1968年,他与合作者撰写的An Empirical Evaluation of Accounting Income Numbers基本上是实证会计研究的开山之作。他至今在芝加哥大学任教,教授财务会计和会计实证研究。近两年Ray Ball仍活跃在学界并发表一些文章。
Institutes :The University of Chicago
Robert Kaplan
为哈佛大学会计学教授,其研究的重点为平衡计分卡(balanced scored card),在业界得到了广泛的使用。
Institutes :Harvard University
Mark L. DeFond
是美国会计协会旗下期刊The Accounting Review的高级主编,是25位被引用数量最多的会计学者。目前在南加州大学任教,其主要的研究领域为审计。
Institutes :University of Southern California
Dennis Campbell
Institutes :Harvard University
Ross Watts
为MIT教授,顶级期刊Journal of Accounting and Economics主编。
Institutes :Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Accounting information is critical for various management decisions. This course illustrates how to use statistics tools to analyze accounting information. It covers useful database of accounting information, statistical techniques in accounting research, various statistical software, and basic tools of data analysis of accounting information.
This course introduces the basic concepts, principles and environment of financial statement auditing. The course emphasizes the audit decision-making process, researching audit standards, audit planning, evidence evaluation, audit reports, ethics and legal liability.
This course introduces the fundamental accounting procedures for determining tax liabilities for businesses.
Accounting principles mainly about accounting introduction, accountant course and double entry accounting, and accounting vouchers, account books, current assets, long-term assets, liabilities, owner`s equity, expenses and costs, income and profits, financial statements, accounting management content.
"This is a first class in Corporate Finance. This class involves the answers to three questions. First is the capital budgeting decision, which is about what long term investments should the firm take on. Second is the financing decision, which is about how can cash be raised for the required investment. Lastly, it examines short term finance and concern net working capital and discusses the way the firm manage its day-to-day cash and financial affairs. At the end of this course, students should be able to think analytically about portfolio selection, corporate decision making and asset pricing. These skills can also be used as personal financial decisions."
This course teaches macroeconomics at the intermediate level. It elaborates on the main macro economics topics including national income, money and inflation, unemployment, business cycles and economics growth. The basic analytical framework such as the IS-LM model is taught through which the key macro economic variables and their interactions can be studied. The course also discusses government economic policies and their implications. As time permits, a brief introductory to modern macroeconomics theories will be given.
This course will discuss the basic principles of microeconomics, but in a more formal and structured way than the introductory economics does. The topics will include the classical price theory (consumer choice, producer theory and market equilibrium analysis), market failure (externality and public goods), as well as some recent exciting developments in game theory and information economics. While we try as much as possible to demonstrate the beauty and rigor of microeconomic theories, we will apply these analytical tools to the real world and test the validity of their predictions. I will use many real world examples to show the relevance and power of economic thinking. To be sure, the principles we will cover in this course provide the foundation of almost all theories in modern economics.
Conceptual introduction to financial accounting. Emphasis is placed on wealth and income measurement and the preparation and interpretation of conventional financial statements.
Basic probability, Statistical inference,Estimation ,Testing ,Regression
The course covers accounting issues that have not been discussed in fundamental and intermediate accounting courses. Main contents include equity method for investments, consolidated financial statements, variable interest entity, inter-company transactions and other complex issues in financial accounting.