Geomechanics is a branch of geology to deal with the laws of crustal structures and crustal movement. It deals with structural phenomena in different scales from microstructure to lithosphere texture. It deals with the mechanical properties of structural features, divides generation ang order of structural features, establishes structural systems and structural patterns, study distributional and evolutional laws of global tectonic systems and structural stress field for different structural patterns, analyzes the compound and combined types of structural systems, discusses the form and direction of crustal movement according to the distributional lows of global structural systems and their structural stress fields and sums up the origin of crustal movement and tectonic force. The application of geomechanics to mineral exploration,engineering geology and geohydrology as well as seismic geology are also the main contents of geomechanics.
地质学是对地球的起源、历史和结构进行研究的学科。主要研究地球的物质组成、内部构造、外部特征、各圈层间的相互作用和演变历史。在现阶段,由于观察、研究条件的限制,主要以岩石圈为研究对象,并涉及水圈、大气圈、生物圈和岩石圈下更深的部位,以及涉及其他行星和卫星的太空地质学(Astrogeology)。 地质学毕业生需掌握地质学基础知识、基本理论、基本技能,具备地质科学调查和研究的基本能力,具备与相邻专业人员对话和合作能力,可从事地学研究、资源调查、资源开发及管理工作。