This course teaches the principles and practice of clinical epidemiology, drawing on real problems faced by medical professionals and elaborating on existing examples of clinical research. Medical researchers will lean how to translate real clinical problems into tangible research questions for investigation, gaining insight into some of the most important considerations when designing an epidemiological study along the way.
Core concepts will be introduced along four key themes: diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and etiology. Followers of this course will develop their understanding of the topics addressed through lectures from experts, peer interaction and review assignments.
流行病学是一门探讨影响人类群体健康及疾病的学问,是公共卫生及预防医学的基石。它被视为公共卫生研究的基础方法论, 同时在循证医学中做为辨别疾病因素和最佳临床治疗途径的科学理论。