The course is made of four main topics. The first topic examines the number representations used in today`s digital systems and discusses their arithmetic properties and conversion techniques. The second topic deals with Boolean algebra theory. Here, students learn to analyze and synthesize combinational logic circuits. The third subject area deals with analysis and design of clocked sequential circuits, in which feedback is present. The last topic provide an introduction to modern programmable logic devices and hardware description languages (VHDL). In this section, students learn to design digital logic system using VHDL, with all designs synthesized on CPLD/FPGA chips.
Electrical Engineering
电气工程的研究和学习内容包括电能的产生、传输、分配、使用以及电工装备制造等。虽然在国外Electrical Engineering对应的是电子电气工程,但在我国习惯上将偏“强电”的电气工程与偏“弱电”电子工程分为两个专业方向,电子工程的研究和学习内容则包括集成电路、信息安全、通信系统、微电子以及图像信息处理等。